Who The Green Pill Is For

Cancer Patients

A cancer diagnosis is confusing and scary. The Green Pill is here to help.

The Green Pill clears up exactly how cannabis benefits someone going through cancer treatment. 

Caregivers & Loved Ones

Those with a cancer patient in their life want the best for their loved one.

The Green Pill shows how cannabis works with the entourage effect to make a cancer patient’s life a little easier.

The Curious

Cancer patients deserve to have all of their options presented to them.

Curious why doctors don’t often discuss cannabis for cancer treatment? The Green Pill provides the answers.


About the author

Rolland Judd is a freelance writer based out of Grand Junction, Colorado. When he puts down the pen, he enjoys adventuring in the great outdoors of Colorado and catching the game on Sundays. After being diagnosed with cancer, he decided that it was time as an advocate for medical marijuana to speak up. By publishing The Green Pill, he hopes to spread the word about the benefits of cannabis as a complementary therapy and spark new interest in the struggle for compassionate care.

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